Voyage Austin Article

Today we’d like to introduce you to Susan Domelsmith Cabral.

Susan, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
My journey with Feng Shui started in 2010 when I worked with interior designer Emilia Rich to redesign my jewelry office using some basics of the practice. I became immediately obsessed with the method and read every book I could find, some of which literally fell into my hands (fate!). I then attended seminars in New York including a series with Feng Shui master William Spear. During that time, I was still working full time in the fashion industry, and Feng Shui became a favorite hobby as I helped friends in need with advice and consultations. At the perfect timing, I was introduced to Feng Shui master Roger Green of the New York School of Feng Shui and attended training to receive certification. This line of study was exactly what I had been seeking for years – a deep study of the ancient classical methods and calculations, training in this mode is remarkably difficult to find in the west, to build on my expertise and years of study in the more intuitive form school method.

I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
Looking back, everything always happens at the right time. I was pregnant when I was launching my business in Austin, and I was a bit over-ambitious with thinking I could bounce right back into work after my son was born. During those postpartum months, I realized that I needed a deep rest and break. Over the years of running several businesses, I’ve learned to listen to the needs of my body and continue intuitively with my work. I took some time to rest and bond with my baby and then the consultations started flowing again. The business was really gaining steam when the pandemic hit, which obviously put a stop to in-person consultations for a while. I was already well set up with a virtual practice, but I really missed the home and business site visits. With vaccinations on the rise, it is still a bit tricky navigating home visits, and I have really had to strengthen my lungs to be able to talk for 3-4 hours straight while wearing a mask.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am a certified Feng Shui consultant specializing in home and business evaluations. My most popular consultation is the New Home Package where I prepare the home for my clients to move in. It is a pretty comprehensive session in which I evaluate an energetic map called the bagua to suggest elemental support for each sector, cleanse lingering energy from past tenants or construction, align furnishings to my clients’ lucky directions, and bless the home for their future together. I also do this service for businesses and homes which need a refresh of energy. It is so fun and rewarding for me. I always have the best clients, and I love feeling like I am really making a difference and improving their lives.

Is there a quality that you most attribute to your success?
The intuition training that I have been practicing since 2010 is essential in my work. Also, my degrees in Psychology and Studio Art inform my interactions and suggestions every day.


  • Consultations range from $120-775

Contact Info:


Elemental Support


Ming Gua and Lucky Directions