Elemental Support

Learn how to support each feng shui element so that you can experience balance in your space, and in your life.

Feng Shui Element Balance

Follow the links below for inspiration on how you can bring the elements into your space.


Water is related to the North, and Career / Life Journey area of the Bagua. Here are some Water element ideas for this area.

Water feeds Wood, Water is fed by Metal, and Water is destroyed by Earth.


Wood is related to the East and South East sectors for Elders and Wealth areas of the Bagua. Here are some Wood element ideas for these areas.

Wood feeds Fire, Wood is fed by Water, and Wood is destroyed by Metal.


Fire is related to the South for Fame and Reputation. Here are some Fire element artwork ideas to implement in this area.

Fire feeds Earth, Fire is fed by Wood, and Fire is destroyed by Water.


Earth is related to the South West for Relationship, the Center for Health, and the North East for Knowledge and Spirituality. Here are some Earth element artwork ideas for these areas.

Earth feeds Metal, Earth is fed by Fire, and Earth is destroyed by Wood.


Metal is related to the West for Creativity and Children, and the North West for Helpful People and Charity. Here are some Metal element artwork ideas for these areas.

Metal feeds Water, Metal is fed by Earth, and Metal is destroyed by Fire.


Relationship artwork ideas for SW and in general.


Rising energy artwork - for yin / stagnant areas - especially for at the bottom of the stairs and in the bathroom above a toilet.


Wealth Corners


Voyage Austin Article