Ming Gua and Lucky Directions
Your Ming Gua number indicates the energy and elements that were predominant during your year of birth. The currents of our natal life force are tracked by calculations of universal and natural forces in this method of Chinese Astrology.
The time during our gestation and at the time of our birth, we absorb the energy of the time. Throughout our lives, if we align to these same vibrations, life will run more smoothly for us. We can track the magnetic waves with the Ming Gua, and working with it will allow you to tune in to these currents. We respond more positively to the four lucky directions that are present in our group, which are either aligned to East Life or West Life.
The Ming Gua number and corresponding lucky directions are used by Feng Shui practitioners to align clients to their most auspicious directions to increase a person’s luck. The specific directions are for Prosperity, Health, Relationship Harmony, and Clear Thinking.
Of course, the functionality of a room through the correct implementation of Form School Feng Shui is the first concern, but if it is possible to align your desk, or seats so you are facing a lucky direction, or your bed so your head is facing your lucky direction while you sleep, then it is an extra bonus!