Feng Shui Your Holiday

How to stay grounded during an electric season.

Every year around this season, time seems to pick up speed. Here are some easy ways to bring back self-care into your routine to increase your sense of grounding so you can make it through with energy and grace.

Clear clutter, especially on your desk, in your bedroom, and in living spaces. The goal here is to make your daily flow throughout your home easy and fun. If you have trouble finding inspiration to get started, just invite a few friends over. I always seem to find the under-dusted spots whenever I am expecting company.

Stay hydrated, and eat less sugar. You will feel happier, and that buzzy holiday anxiety will diminish. Make sure exercise isn't nudged out of your busy schedule. Gentle and flowing movements will help you feel grounded and stretch out the tension.

During these darker days, it is important to find the light when you can by using candles, lamps, and rays of sunshine to bask in. The darkness is an important asset too, so attempt to get to bed earlier to live more in tune with nature.

Take a bath! Dipping your body in water helps ground you in a big way, especially when you use salts. Drinking fresh herb teas will connect and ground you too. Sage is easy to grow here in Austin and it is delicious in tea. Standing barefoot outside will also bring you back down to earth.

You've got this!



I Ching and Feng Shui


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