Feng Shui and the Five Elements

Creating Balance and Harmony

Elements and Feng Shui Fire Earth Metal Water Wood

Photo by Aaron Burden

Feng Shui is based on the natural cycles of energy — the ebb and flow of creative and destructive forces that are essential for maintaining balance and harmony in our lives. Each sector of the home is associated with a different element, season, and time of day. By thoughtfully arranging these elements in our living spaces, we can enhance specific areas of our homes, which in turn brings positive outcomes into our lives in meaningful ways.


Water is the most yin of the elements. It is associated with winter, midnight, willpower, and communication. In the Bagua, Water occupies the North, which represents one's life journey and career development. Water is represented by dark colors such as blue and black, flowing patterns, or even actual water features like fountains.

When working with a client’s Flying Star chart, I focus on enhancing auspicious Water Stars (like 8, 9, 6, and 1) by incorporating movement and activity, including fresh, flowing water. If a client feels stuck, I assess the areas related to Water in their home to see how we can introduce more flow and support. Water nourishes Wood and is contained by Metal.


As spring follows winter, the Wood element emerges, representing growth, expansion, and patience. Wood is associated with morning, new beginnings, and vitality. In the Bagua, Wood is found in the East, which represents ancestors and lineage, and in the Southeast, which governs wealth and prosperity.

The best representation of Wood is live, thriving plants, though the color green, rectangular shapes, and even faux plants (used sparingly in areas where real plants won’t thrive) can also enhance these spaces. A Wood personality is adventurous and experimental, constantly seeking ways to grow and expand. Water feeds Wood, and Wood fuels Fire.


Fire is the most yang of the elements and brings about drastic changes. While these changes can be uncomfortable, they are necessary for fostering new growth. In fact, we are currently in a period of transformation. The Fire element of this Period 9, which will be active from 2024–2044, is already catalyzing significant changes in the foundations of society. This Fire energy is clearing away outdated systems, and the "ashes" of this transformation will nurture vibrant growth in the future.

Fire is related to summer, noon, and consciousness. In the Bagua, the South corresponds to Fire and governs reputation and how we present ourselves to the outside world. In this context, "fame" serves as a mirror, reflecting how others see us.

Fire is represented by red colors, triangular shapes, light sources, electronics, fireplaces, and candles. Because Fire is such a powerful element, I recommend using it sparingly. Wood fuels Fire, and Fire creates Earth.


Earth is the most stable and grounding of the elements, offering support during transitions. It is associated with late winter, early fall, and embodies balance, stability, and compassion. In the Bagua, Earth appears in three key areas: the center, Northeast, and Southwest.

-Center: This central area incorporates all the other sectors and is related to health.

-Northeast: This area governs knowledge and spirituality. If you are studying or seeking spiritual growth, decluttering the Northeast and grounding it with Earth elements will help.

-Southwest: This area governs relationships of all kinds, including romantic, familial, and professional partnerships. To support these relationships, it's important to set up the area in a way that represents how you want your relationships to feel, and ground the Southwest area with Earth elements like square shapes, earth tones, and heavy furniture.

Fire creates Earth, and Earth forms Metal.


Metal is associated with autumn, evening, contraction, and precision. In the Bagua, Metal rules the West (which governs creativity) and the Northwest (which governs helpful people and mentors).

You can enhance these areas by incorporating metal objects, sculptures, and using white or metallic colors in your décor. Metal also helps balance areas of the Flying Star chart related to illness or heavy Earth energy, as Metal can drain excessive Earth energy.

Additionally, Metal supports Water, so it can be beneficial in areas where Water is present. However, because Metal "cuts" Wood, it's best to avoid an overabundance of Metal in the East or Southeast, as this could stifle the Wood element.

Be mindful not to overuse Metal, as too much of this element can lead to a feeling of coldness or indifference. Strive for a balanced combination of elements that feels harmonious and natural.


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